Codes and Ordinances
New Unified Development Ordinance (Adopted 11/19/2020)
The UDO is the new regulatory document for zoning, subdivision, environmental protection, and other development regulations for properties in unincorporated Guilford County and outside municipal extraterritorial jurisdictions. The new UDO was prepared to provide more procedural efficiency, process predictability, consistency among jurisdictions, and acknowledgment of the distinctive rural development pattern in Guilford County and land use transition at the urban fringe.
Guilford County Code
This Code was created as result of North Carolina General Statutes granting authority to counties to adopt and issue a code of its ordinances (G.S. 153A-49); general ordinance-making power (G.S. 153A-121); territorial jurisdiction of ordinances (G.S. 153A-122); and authority not limited by enumeration of powers (G.S. 153A-124).