Graphic of a scroll and feather pen The Clerk to the Board, which is duly sworn into public office, serves as the direct link between the citizens and their government. The Clerk to Board is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and serves at the pleasure of the Board. The Clerk to Board attends all Board meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and its committees and records official actions; acts as custodian of all legal documents pertaining to the county and prepares a permanent record of meetings for future use; prepares and advertises notices of hearings and other issues as required by law; administers oaths of office; keeps track and coordinates board appointments to their advisory boards; and attests all contracts, deeds, bonds, and other legal documents.

The Clerk to Board and staff are responsible for responding to requests from the general public, news media, and county employees for information and or services.

 How to Watch Board of Commissioner Meetings:
  1. Guilford County streams its Board Meetings online via our Facebook Platform at @GuilfordCountyGovernment;

  2. You can also  view the live stream from the Guilford County Meetings & Minutes website at Click on the video link meeting date of interest; or

  3. Viewing the live broadcast of the meeting aired through Greensboro Television Network (GTN), available on Spectrum Channel 13, NorthState Channel 31 and AT&T U-verse channel 99.