Soil Erosion and Sedimentation goes far beyond being unsightly on roads and in streams. Sediment is the number one pollutant in streams, rivers and lakes in NC. When sediment fills water courses and reservoirs, valuable habitat for fish and other wildlife is adversely impacted. Sedimentation can have far-reaching effects, including lowering property values, increased electricity costs, reduction in water quality, etc.


The objective of the Guilford County Soil Erosion Control Section is to enforce Soil Erosion Control regulations in Jamestown, Oak Ridge, Pleasant Garden, Sedalia, Stokesdale, Summerfield, Whitsett and unincorporated Guilford County.


For more information please contact us:

Soil Erosion Control Chief Earl Davis (336)641-3803 (O)
(336)669-1720 (M)
Erosion Control Specialist Curtis Moore (336)641-5471 (O)
(336)601-8925 (M)
Erosion Control Specialist Zachary 
Van Dyke 
(336)641-2139 (O)
(336)660-7395 (M) 
 Erosion Control Specialist Roderick Gwynn  (336)641-2259(O)
(336)669-7134 (M) 


Planning & Development
Independence Center
400 W Market Street
P.O. Box 3427   Greensboro, NC 27402
(336)641-3334 (T)  (336)641-6988 (F)